Daily Reflections and Prayers for Lent 2025

Living Lent Daily - Pilgrims through lent

March 13

When we tell someone to “walk this way,” we typically are indicating a direction in which they should walk. However, an old comedy bit interprets it as an invitation to imitate the shuffle or gait of the person leading the way. On the pilgrimage of life, we are called not only to walk in the direction of our Lord but also to imitate him. Our imitation of God is aided by the fact that we are created in the image and likeness of God: we already bear a resemblance to our God. This Lenten pilgrimage is an opportunity to respond to the Lord who invites us to “walk this way” as we seek not only to walk in his direction but also to emulate the God in whose image we are made. Throughout this Lenten season, we reflect on God’s way of proceeding—as One who moves with compassion, mercy, justice, forgiveness, humility, selflessness, and joy—and strive to imitate God’s “gait.”  


—Joe Paprocki

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